2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
2020-10-25 09:41:55 +01:00
< html lang = "en" >
2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
< head >
< title > {{ site.title }} – {{ page.title }}< / title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/css/style.css" type = "text/css" >
{% feed_meta %}
2021-08-15 09:32:40 +02:00
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" >
2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
< / head >
2021-08-15 08:55:40 +02:00
< body >
2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
< a href = "#content" id = "skip-to-content" > Skip to content< / a >
2021-08-15 07:05:56 +02:00
< h1 > {{ site.header }}< / h1 >
2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
< nav >
{% for item in site.data.navigation %}
< a href = "{{ item.link }}" { % if page . url = = item . link % } class = "current-page" { % endif % } > {{ item.name }}< / a >
{% endfor %}
< / nav >
< div id = "content" >
{{ content }}
< / div >
2021-08-15 07:07:15 +02:00
< footer > Made with < a href = "https://jekyllrb.com/" > Jekyll< / a > , hosted on < a href = "https://git.franzi.business/franzi.business/website/" > Gitea< / a > , deployed automatically using Jenkins < img src = "https://jenkins.franzi.business/buildStatus/icon?job=franzi.business%2Fwebsite" alt = "" / > < / footer >
2021-08-15 08:43:30 +02:00
< / body >
2019-09-06 17:06:45 +02:00
< / html >