from os import environ from os.path import expanduser from bundlewrap.exceptions import FaultUnavailable from bundlewrap.utils import Fault from bundlewrap.utils.text import bold, yellow from bundlewrap.utils.ui import io from pykeepass import PyKeePass from pykeepass.exceptions import CredentialsError DUMMY_MODE = environ.get('BW_KEEPASS_DUMMY_MODE', '0') == '1' KEEPASS_FILE = environ.get('BW_KEEPASS_FILE', None) KEEPASS_PASS = environ.get('BW_KEEPASS_PASSWORD', None) cache = {} try: with open(expanduser('~/.bw_keepass.cfg'), 'r') as f: cfg = if not KEEPASS_FILE: KEEPASS_FILE = cfg[0].strip() if not KEEPASS_PASS and len(cfg) > 1: KEEPASS_PASS = cfg[1] except (FileNotFoundError, IndexError): pass def _get_contents_from_keepass(path): if not KEEPASS_FILE or not KEEPASS_PASS: raise FaultUnavailable('BW_KEEPASS_FILE and/or BW_KEEPASS_PASSWORD missing') if isinstance(path, list): list_path = path string_path = '|'.join(path) else: list_path = path.split('|') string_path = path try: return cache[string_path] except KeyError: # Not yet fetched from keepass pass with io.job('{p} looking up "{path}" in "{file}"'.format( p=bold('KeePass'), path=list_path, file=KEEPASS_FILE, )): try: keepass = PyKeePass(expanduser(KEEPASS_FILE), KEEPASS_PASS) result = keepass.find_entries_by_path(list_path, first=True) except CredentialsError: raise FaultUnavailable('Your specified BW_KEEPASS_PASSWORD is invalid for use with {}'.format(KEEPASS_FILE)) except Exception as e: raise FaultUnavailable('Exception while trying to get path "{}" from file "{}": {}'.format( list_path, KEEPASS_FILE, repr(e) )) if not result: raise FaultUnavailable('Could not find any entries for path "{}" in file "{}"'.format( list_path, KEEPASS_FILE, )) cache[string_path] = result return cache[string_path] def _password(path): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'KEEPASS DUMMY PASSWORD' else: secret = _get_contents_from_keepass(path) return secret.password def password(path): return Fault( 'bwkeepass password', _password, path=path, ) def _username(path): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'KEEPASS DUMMY USERNAME' else: secret = _get_contents_from_keepass(path) return secret.username def username(path): return Fault( 'bwkeepass username', _username, path=path, ) def _url(path): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'http://KEEPASS.DUMMY.URL' else: secret = _get_contents_from_keepass(path) return secret.url def url(path): return Fault( 'bwkeepass url', _url, path=path, ) def _notes(path): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'KEEPASS DUMMY NOTES' else: secret = _get_contents_from_keepass(path) return secret.notes def notes(path): return Fault( 'bwkeepass notes', _notes, path=path, )