from os import environ from os.path import expanduser from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError from bundlewrap.exceptions import FaultUnavailable from bundlewrap.utils import Fault from bundlewrap.utils.dicts import merge_dict from bundlewrap.utils.text import bold, yellow from bundlewrap.utils.ui import io ENVIRONMENT = merge_dict(environ, { 'PASSWORD_STORE_DIR': expanduser(environ.get('BW_PASS_DIR', '~/.password-store')), }) DUMMY_MODE = environ.get('BW_PASS_DUMMY_MODE', '0') == '1' cache = {} def _get_contents_from_pass(identifier: str): try: return cache[identifier] except KeyError: # Not yet fetched from pass pass with io.job('{p} fetching {identifier}'.format( p=bold('pass'), identifier=identifier, )): try: pass_output = check_output( ['pass', 'show', identifier], env=ENVIRONMENT, ).decode('UTF-8').splitlines() except FileNotFoundError: raise FaultUnavailable('pass not found') except CalledProcessError as e: raise FaultUnavailable('pass exited {} when trying to get secret "{}"'.format( e.returncode, identifier, )) if not pass_output: raise ValueError('BUG: `pass show {}` did not return any output!'.format( identifier )) cache[identifier] = { 'password': pass_output[0].strip(), 'attrs': {}, } if len(pass_output) > 1: for line in pass_output[1:]: attr, value = line.split(':', 1) cache[identifier]['attrs'][attr] = value.strip() return cache[identifier] def _password(identifier): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'PASS DUMMY PASSWORD' else: secret = _get_contents_from_pass(identifier) return secret['password'] def password(identifier): return Fault( 'bwpass password', _password, identifier=identifier, ) def _attr(identifier, attr): if DUMMY_MODE: return 'PASS DUMMY {} ATTRIBUTE'.format(attr) else: secret = _get_contents_from_pass(identifier) try: return secret['attrs'][attr] except KeyError: raise FaultUnavailable('attribute {} not found for identifier {}'.format( attr, identifier, )) def attr(identifier, attr): return Fault( 'bwpass attribute {}'.format(attr), _attr, identifier=identifier, attr=attr, )