import re from json import load from os.path import join with open(join(repo.path, 'configs', 'netbox', f'{}.json')) as f: netbox = load(f) ips = {} ports = {} vlans = { v['name']: { 'id': v['vid'], 'delete': False, 'tagged': set(), 'untagged': set(), } for v in netbox['vlans'] } for port, conf in netbox['interfaces'].items(): for ip in conf['ips']: ips[ip] = {'interface': port} if conf['type'].lower() == 'virtual': # these are VLAN interfaces (for management IPs) if conf['ips']: # this makes management services available in the VLAN try: vlans[port]['tagged'].add('bridge') except KeyError: raise ValueError( f'name of virtual interface "{port}" on {} ' f'matches none of the known VLANs: {list(vlans.keys())} ' '(you probably need to rename the interface in Netbox ' 'and/or run netbox-dump)' ) # We do not create the actual VLAN interface here, that # happens automatically in continue elif not conf['enabled'] or not conf['mode']: # disable unconfigured ports ports[port] = { 'disabled': True, 'description': conf.get('description', ''), } # dont add vlans for this port continue else: ports[port] = { 'disabled': False, 'description': conf.get('description', ''), } if conf.get('ips', []): ports[port]['ips'] = set(conf['ips']) if conf['type'] in ( '1000base-t', '10gbase-x-sfpp', 'A_1000BASE_T', 'A_10GBASE_X_SFPP', ): ports[port]['hw'] = True if conf['untagged_vlan']: vlans[conf['untagged_vlan']]['untagged'].add(port) if conf['ips']: # this makes management services available in the VLAN vlans[conf['untagged_vlan']]['tagged'].add('bridge') # tagged if conf['mode'] in ('TAGGED_ALL', 'tagged-all'): tagged = set(vlans.keys()) - {conf['untagged_vlan']} else: tagged = conf['tagged_vlans'] for vlan in tagged: vlans[vlan]['tagged'].add(port) # this makes management services available in the VLAN if conf['ips']: vlans[vlan]['tagged'].add('bridge') defaults = { 'icinga2_api': { 'routeros': { 'services': { 'TEMPERATURE': { 'check_command': 'snmp', 'vars.snmp_oid': '', 'vars.snmp_version': '2c', 'vars.snmp_community': 'public', 'vars.warn': '@750:799', # 1/10 °C 'vars.crit': '@800:9999', }, }, }, }, 'routeros': { 'ips': ips, 'ports': ports, 'vlans': vlans, }, } @metadata_reactor.provides('routeros/gateway') def gateway(metadata): ip_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)\d{1,3}') gateway = ip_pattern.match(node.hostname).group(1) + '1' return { 'routeros': { 'gateway': gateway, }, }