#!/bin/bash # With systemd, we can force logging to the journal. This is better than # spamming the world with cron mails. You can then view these logs using # "journalctl -rat upgrade-and-reboot". if which logger >/dev/null 2>&1 then # Dump stdout and stderr to logger, which will then put everything # into the journal. exec 1> >(logger -t upgrade-and-reboot -p user.info) exec 2> >(logger -t upgrade-and-reboot -p user.error) fi . /etc/upgrade-and-reboot.conf echo "Starting upgrade-and-reboot for node $nodename ..." statusfile="/var/tmp/unattended_upgrades.status" # Workaround, because /var/tmp is usually 1777 [[ "$UID" == 0 ]] && chown root:root "$statusfile" logins=$(ps h -C sshd -o euser | awk '$1 != "root" && $1 != "sshd" && $1 != "sshmon" && $1 != "nobody"') if [[ -n "$logins" ]] then echo "Will abort now, there are active SSH logins: $logins" echo "abort_ssh" > "$statusfile" exit 1 fi softlockdir=/var/lib/bundlewrap/soft-$nodename mkdir -p "$softlockdir" printf '{"comment": "UPDATE", "date": %s, "expiry": %s, "id": "UNATTENDED", "items": ["*"], "user": "root@localhost"}\n' \ $(date +%s) \ $(date -d 'now + 30 mins' +%s) \ >"$softlockdir"/UNATTENDED trap 'rm -f "$softlockdir"/UNATTENDED' EXIT do-unattended-upgrades ret=$? echo "$ret" > "$statusfile" if (( $ret != 0 )) then exit 1 fi if [[ -n "$reboot_mail_to" ]] then date | mail -s "SYSREBOOTNOW $nodename" "$reboot_mail_to" fi systemctl reboot echo "upgrade-and-reboot for node $nodename is DONE"