#!/usr/bin/env python3 from subprocess import check_output from sys import argv, exit import re def to_bytes(size): suffixes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'] number, suffix = re.match(r'([0-9\.]+)([A-Z]?)', size).groups() if suffix not in suffixes: print('Unexpected suffix "{}" in size "{}"'.format(suffix, size)) return float(number) * 1024**suffixes.index(suffix) pool = argv[1] critical_perc = float(argv[2]) try: output = check_output(['zpool', 'list', '-Ho', 'size,alloc', pool]) except: print('CRITICAL - "zpool" failed') exit(2) size, alloc = output.decode('UTF-8').strip().split() try: size_b = to_bytes(size) alloc_b = to_bytes(alloc) except: print('CRITICAL - Could not process output of "zpool list": {}'.format(output)) exit(2) percentage = alloc_b / size_b * 100 if percentage > critical_perc: print('CRITICAL - Pool "{}" uses {:.2f}% of its space'.format(pool, percentage)) exit(2) print('OK - Pool "{}" uses {:.2f}% of its space'.format(pool, percentage)) exit(0)