assert not node.has_bundle('apt'), f'{} - bundle:apt is incompatible with ansible managed c3voc hosts' assert not node.has_bundle('nginx'), f'{} - bundle:nginx is incompatible with ansible managed c3voc hosts' assert not node.has_bundle('users'), f'{} - bundle:users is incompatible with ansible managed c3voc hosts' pkg_apt = { 'apt-transport-https': {}, 'build-essential': {}, 'curl': {}, 'git': {}, 'grep': {}, 'gzip': {}, 'htop': {}, 'jq': {}, 'less': {}, 'mtr': {}, 'ncdu': {}, 'netcat': {}, 'python3': {}, 'python3-dev': {}, 'python3-pip': {}, 'python3-virtualenv': {}, 'rsync': {}, 'tar': {}, 'tmux': {}, 'tree': {}, 'wget': {}, } if node.metadata.get('apt', {}).get('packages', {}): for package, options in node.metadata['apt']['packages'].items(): pkg_apt[package] = options actions = { 'systemd-reload': { 'command': 'systemctl daemon-reload', 'cascade_skip': False, 'triggered': True, 'needed_by': { 'svc_systemd:', }, }, } directories = { '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled': { 'purge': True, 'triggers': { 'svc_systemd:nginx:restart', }, }, } files = { '/etc/kernel/postinst.d/unattended-upgrades': { 'source': 'kernel-postinst.d', }, '/usr/local/share/icinga/plugins/check_unattended_upgrades': { 'mode': '0755', }, '/usr/local/sbin/upgrade-and-reboot': { 'content_type': 'mako', 'mode': '0700', 'context': { 'data': node.metadata.get('apt', {}).get('unattended-upgrades', {}), } }, } for crontab, content in node.metadata.get('cron', {}).items(): files['/etc/cron.d/{}'.format(crontab)] = { 'source': 'cron_template', 'content_type': 'mako', 'context': { 'cron': content, } } for vhost, config in node.metadata.get('nginx', {}).get('vhosts', {}).items(): if not 'domain' in config: config['domain'] = vhost files['/etc/nginx/sites-available/{}'.format(vhost)] = { 'source': 'site_template', 'content_type': 'mako', 'context': { 'vhost': vhost, **config, }, 'triggers': { 'svc_systemd:nginx:restart', }, } symlinks['/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{}'.format(vhost)] = { 'target': '/etc/nginx/sites-available/{}'.format(vhost), 'triggers': { 'svc_systemd:nginx:restart', }, } if not 'webroot' in config: directories['/var/www/{}'.format(vhost)] = config.get('webroot_config', {}) svc_systemd = { 'nginx': {}, 'apt-daily.timer': { 'running': False, 'enabled': False, }, 'apt-daily-upgrade.timer': { 'running': False, 'enabled': False, }, }