#!/usr/bin/env perl # check_nginx_status.pl # Author : regis.leroy at makina-corpus.com # Licence : GPL - http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt # # help : ./check_nginx_status.pl -h # # issues & updates: http://github.com/regilero/check_nginx_status use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); use FindBin; # ensure all outputs are in UTF-8 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); # Nagios specific use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins"; use utils qw($TIMEOUT); # Globals my $Version='0.20'; my $Name=$0; my $o_host = undef; # hostname my $o_help= undef; # want some help ? my $o_port= undef; # port my $o_url = undef; # url to use, if not the default my $o_user= undef; # user for auth my $o_pass= ''; # password for auth my $o_realm= ''; # password for auth my $o_version= undef; # print version my $o_warn_a_level= -1; # Number of active connections that will cause a warning my $o_crit_a_level= -1; # Number of active connections that will cause an error my $o_warn_rps_level= -1; # Number of Request per second that will cause a warning my $o_crit_rps_level= -1; # Number of request Per second that will cause an error my $o_warn_cps_level= -1; # Number of Connections per second that will cause a warning my $o_crit_cps_level= -1; # Number of Connections per second that will cause an error my $o_timeout= 15; # Default 15s Timeout my $o_warn_thresold= undef; # warning thresolds entry my $o_crit_thresold= undef; # critical thresolds entry my $o_debug= undef; # debug mode my $o_servername= undef; # ServerName (host header in http request) my $o_https= undef; # SSL (HTTPS) mode my $o_disable_sslverifyhostname = 0; my $TempPath = '/tmp/'; # temp path my $MaxTimeDif = 60*30; # Maximum uptime difference (seconds), default 30 minutes my $nginx = 'NGINX'; # Could be used to store version also # functions sub show_versioninfo { print "$Name version : $Version\n"; } sub print_usage { print "Usage: $Name -H <host ip> [-p <port>] [-s servername] [-t <timeout>] [-w <WARN_THRESOLD> -c <CRIT_THRESOLD>] [-V] [-d] [-u <url>] [-U user -P pass -r realm]\n"; } sub nagios_exit { my ( $nickname, $status, $message, $perfdata , $silent) = @_; my %STATUSCODE = ( 'OK' => 0 , 'WARNING' => 1 , 'CRITICAL' => 2 , 'UNKNOWN' => 3 , 'PENDING' => 4 ); if(!defined($silent)) { my $output = undef; $output .= sprintf('%1$s %2$s - %3$s', $nickname, $status, $message); if ($perfdata) { $output .= sprintf('|%1$s', $perfdata); } $output .= chr(10); print $output; } exit $STATUSCODE{$status}; } # Get the alarm signal $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL","ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios timeout)"); }; sub help { print "Nginx Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n"; print "GPL licence, (c)2012 Leroy Regis\n\n"; print_usage(); print <<EOT; -h, --help print this help message -H, --hostname=HOST name or IP address of host to check -p, --port=PORT Http port -u, --url=URL Specific URL to use, instead of the default "http://<hostname or IP>/nginx_status" -s, --servername=SERVERNAME ServerName, (host header of HTTP request) use it if you specified an IP in -H to match the good Virtualhost in your target -S, --ssl Wether we should use HTTPS instead of HTTP --disable-sslverifyhostname Disable SSL hostname verification -U, --user=user Username for basic auth -P, --pass=PASS Password for basic auth -r, --realm=REALM Realm for basic auth -d, --debug Debug mode (show http request response) -m, --maxreach=MAX Number of max processes reached (since last check) that should trigger an alert -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout in seconds (Default: $o_timeout) -w, --warn=ACTIVE_CONN,REQ_PER_SEC,CONN_PER_SEC number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a WARNING -1 for no warning -c, --critical=ACTIVE_CONN,REQ_PER_SEC,CONN_PER_SEC number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a CRITICAL -1 for no CRITICAL -V, --version prints version number Note : 3 items can be managed on this check, this is why -w and -c parameters are using 3 values thresolds - ACTIVE_CONN: Number of all opened connections, including connections to backends - REQ_PER_SEC: Average number of request per second between this check and the previous one - CONN_PER_SEC: Average number of connections per second between this check and the previous one Examples: This one will generate WARNING and CRITICIAL alerts if you reach 10 000 or 20 000 active connection; or 100 or 200 request per second; or 200 or 300 connections per second check_nginx_status.pl -H -u /foo/nginx_status -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10000,100,200 -c 20000,200,300 this will generate WARNING and CRITICAL alerts only on the number of active connections (with low numbers for nginx) check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10,-1,-1 -c 20,-1,-1 theses two equivalents will not generate any alert (if the nginx_status page is reachable) but could be used for graphics check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -w -1,-1,-1 -c -1,-1,-1 check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com EOT } sub check_options { Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions( 'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help, 'd' => \$o_debug, 'debug' => \$o_debug, 'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host, 's:s' => \$o_servername, 'servername:s' => \$o_servername, 'S:s' => \$o_https, 'ssl:s' => \$o_https, 'u:s' => \$o_url, 'url:s' => \$o_url, 'U:s' => \$o_user, 'user:s' => \$o_user, 'P:s' => \$o_pass, 'pass:s' => \$o_pass, 'r:s' => \$o_realm, 'realm:s' => \$o_realm, 'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port, 'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version, 'w:s' => \$o_warn_thresold,'warn:s' => \$o_warn_thresold, 'c:s' => \$o_crit_thresold,'critical:s' => \$o_crit_thresold, 't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout, 'disable-sslverifyhostname' => \$o_disable_sslverifyhostname, ); if (defined ($o_help)) { help(); nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","leaving","",1); } if (defined($o_version)) { show_versioninfo(); nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","leaving","",1); }; if (defined($o_warn_thresold)) { ($o_warn_a_level,$o_warn_rps_level,$o_warn_cps_level) = split(',', $o_warn_thresold); } if (defined($o_crit_thresold)) { ($o_crit_a_level,$o_crit_rps_level,$o_crit_cps_level) = split(',', $o_crit_thresold); } if (defined($o_debug)) { print("\nDebug thresolds: \nWarning: ($o_warn_thresold) => Active: $o_warn_a_level ReqPerSec :$o_warn_rps_level ConnPerSec: $o_warn_cps_level"); print("\nCritical ($o_crit_thresold) => : Active: $o_crit_a_level ReqPerSec: $o_crit_rps_level ConnPerSec : $o_crit_cps_level\n"); } if ((defined($o_warn_a_level) && defined($o_crit_a_level)) && (($o_warn_a_level != -1) && ($o_crit_a_level != -1) && ($o_warn_a_level >= $o_crit_a_level)) ) { nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for Active Process (1st part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!"); } if ((defined($o_warn_rps_level) && defined($o_crit_rps_level)) && (($o_warn_rps_level != -1) && ($o_crit_rps_level != -1) && ($o_warn_rps_level >= $o_crit_rps_level)) ) { nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for ReqPerSec (2nd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!"); } if ((defined($o_warn_cps_level) && defined($o_crit_cps_level)) && (($o_warn_cps_level != -1) && ($o_crit_cps_level != -1) && ($o_warn_cps_level >= $o_crit_cps_level)) ) { nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for ConnPerSec (3rd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!"); } # Check compulsory attributes if (!defined($o_host)) { print_usage(); nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","-H host argument required"); } } ########## MAIN ########## check_options(); my $override_ip = $o_host; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'], timeout => $o_timeout ); if ( $o_disable_sslverifyhostname ) { $ua->ssl_opts( 'verify_hostname' => 0 ); } # we need to enforce the HTTP request is made on the Nagios Host IP and # not on the DNS related IP for that domain @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS = ( PeerAddr => $override_ip ); # this prevent used only once warning in -w mode my $ua_settings = @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS; my $timing0 = [gettimeofday]; my $response = undef; my $url = undef; if (!defined($o_url)) { $o_url='/nginx_status'; } else { # ensure we have a '/' as first char $o_url = '/'.$o_url unless $o_url =~ m(^/) } my $proto='http://'; if(defined($o_https)) { $proto='https://'; if (defined($o_port) && $o_port!=443) { if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: Notice: port is defined at $o_port and not 443, check you really want that in SSL mode! \n"; } } } if (defined($o_servername)) { if (!defined($o_port)) { $url = $proto . $o_servername . $o_url; } else { $url = $proto . $o_servername . ':' . $o_port . $o_url; } } else { if (!defined($o_port)) { $url = $proto . $o_host . $o_url; } else { $url = $proto . $o_host . ':' . $o_port . $o_url; } } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP url: \n"; print $url; } my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ); if (defined($o_servername)) { $req->header('Host' => $o_servername); } if (defined($o_user)) { $req->authorization_basic($o_user, $o_pass); } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP request: \n"; print "IP used (better if it's an IP):" . $override_ip . "\n"; print $req->as_string; } $response = $ua->request($req); my $timeelapsed = tv_interval ($timing0, [gettimeofday]); my $InfoData = ''; my $PerfData = ''; #my @Time = (localtime); # list context and not scalar as we want the brutal timestamp my $Time = time; my $webcontent = undef; if ($response->is_success) { $webcontent=$response->decoded_content; if (defined ($o_debug)) { print "\nDEBUG: HTTP response:"; print $response->status_line; print "\n".$response->header('Content-Type'); print "\n"; print $webcontent; } if ($response->header('Content-Type') =~ m/text\/html/) { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "We have a response page for our request, but it's an HTML page, quite certainly not the status report of nginx"); } # example of response content expected: #Active connections: 10 #server accepts handled requests #38500 38500 50690 #Reading: 5 Writing: 5 Waiting: 0 # number of all open connections including connections to backends my $ActiveConn = 0; if($webcontent =~ m/Active connections: (.*?)\n/) { $ActiveConn = $1; # triming $ActiveConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } # 3 counters with a space: accepted conn, handled conn and number of requests my $counters = ''; my $AcceptedConn = 0; my $HandledConn = 0; my $NbRequests = 0; if($webcontent =~ m/\nserver accepts handled requests\n(.*?)\n/) { $counters = $1; # triming $counters =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #splitting ($AcceptedConn,$HandledConn,$NbRequests) = split(' ', $counters); # triming $AcceptedConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $HandledConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $NbRequests =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } # nginx reads request header my $Reading = 0; # nginx reads request body, processes request, or writes response to a client my $Writing = 0; # keep-alive connections, actually it is active - (reading + writing) my $Waiting = 0; if($webcontent =~ m/Reading: (.*?)Writing: (.*?)Waiting: (.*?)$/) { $Reading = $1; $Writing = $2; $Waiting = $3; # triming $Reading =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $Writing =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $Waiting =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; } # Debug if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDEBUG Parse results => Active :" . $ActiveConn . "\nAcceptedConn :" . $AcceptedConn . "\nHandledConn :" . $HandledConn . "\nNbRequests :".$NbRequests . "\nReading :" .$Reading . "\nWriting :" . $Writing . "\nWaiting :" . $Waiting . "\n"); } my $TempFile = $TempPath.$o_host.'_check_nginx_status'.md5_hex($url); my $FH; my $LastTime = 0; my $LastAcceptedConn = 0; my $LastHandledConn = 0; my $LastNbRequests = 0; if ((-e $TempFile) && (-r $TempFile) && (-w $TempFile)) { open ($FH, '<',$TempFile) or nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","unable to read temporary data from :".$TempFile); $LastTime = <$FH>; $LastAcceptedConn = <$FH>; $LastHandledConn = <$FH>; $LastNbRequests = <$FH>; close ($FH); if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDebug: data from temporary file: $TempFile\n"); print (" LastTime: $LastTime LastAcceptedConn: $LastAcceptedConn LastHandledConn: $LastHandledConn LastNbRequests: $LastNbRequests \n"); } } open ($FH, '>'.$TempFile) or nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","unable to write temporary data in :".$TempFile); #print $FH (@Time),"\n"; print $FH "$Time\n"; print $FH "$AcceptedConn\n"; print $FH "$HandledConn\n"; print $FH "$NbRequests\n"; close ($FH); my $ConnPerSec = 0; my $ReqPerSec = 0; my $RequestsNew = 0; # by default the average my $ReqPerConn = 0; if ($AcceptedConn > 0) { $ReqPerConn = $NbRequests/$AcceptedConn; } my $elapsed = $Time - $LastTime ; if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDebug: pre-computation\n"); print ("Average ReqPerconn: $ReqPerConn, Seconds elapsed Since last check: $elapsed\n"); } # check only if the counters may have been incremented # but not if it may have been too much incremented # if nginx was restarted ($NbRequests is now lower than previous value), just skip if ( ($elapsed < $MaxTimeDif) && ($elapsed != 0) && ($NbRequests >= $LastNbRequests) ) { $ConnPerSec = ($AcceptedConn-$LastAcceptedConn)/$elapsed; $RequestsNew = $NbRequests-$LastNbRequests; $ReqPerSec = $RequestsNew/$elapsed; # get finer value if ( $ConnPerSec!=0 ) { my $ReqPerConn = $ReqPerSec/$ConnPerSec; } else { my $ReqPerConn = 0; } } if (defined ($o_debug)) { print ("\nDebug: data computed\n"); print ("ConnPerSec: $ConnPerSec ReqPerSec: $ReqPerSec ReqPerConn: $ReqPerConn\n"); } $InfoData = sprintf (" %.3f sec. response time, Active: %d (Writing: %d Reading: %d Waiting: %d)" . " ReqPerSec: %.3f ConnPerSec: %.3f ReqPerConn: %.3f" ,$timeelapsed,$ActiveConn,$Writing,$Reading,$Waiting,$ReqPerSec,$ConnPerSec,$ReqPerConn); # Manage warn and crit values for the perfdata my $p_warn_a_level = "$o_warn_a_level"; my $p_crit_a_level = "$o_crit_a_level"; my $p_warn_rps_level = "$o_warn_rps_level"; my $p_crit_rps_level = "$o_crit_rps_level"; my $p_warn_cps_level = "$o_warn_cps_level"; my $p_crit_cps_level = "$o_crit_cps_level"; if ($p_warn_a_level == "-1") { $p_warn_a_level = ""; } if ($p_crit_a_level == "-1") { $p_crit_a_level = ""; } if ($p_warn_rps_level == "-1") { $p_warn_rps_level = ""; } if ($p_crit_rps_level == "-1") { $p_crit_rps_level = ""; } if ($p_warn_cps_level == "-1") { $p_warn_cps_level = ""; } if ($p_crit_cps_level == "-1") { $p_crit_cps_level = ""; } $PerfData = sprintf ("Writing=%d;;;; Reading=%d;;;; Waiting=%d;;;; Active=%d;%s;%s;; " . "ReqPerSec=%f;%s;%s;; ConnPerSec=%f;%s;%s;; ReqPerConn=%f;;;;" ,($Writing),($Reading),($Waiting),($ActiveConn) ,($p_warn_a_level),($p_crit_a_level) ,($ReqPerSec),($p_warn_rps_level),($p_crit_rps_level) ,($ConnPerSec),($p_warn_cps_level),($p_crit_cps_level) ,($ReqPerConn)); # first all critical exists by priority if (defined($o_crit_a_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_a_level) && ($ActiveConn >= $o_crit_a_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Active Connections are critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_crit_rps_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_rps_level) && ($ReqPerSec >= $o_crit_rps_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Request per second ratios is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_crit_cps_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_cps_level) && ($ConnPerSec >= $o_crit_cps_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Connection per second ratio is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } # Then WARNING exits by priority if (defined($o_warn_a_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_a_level) && ($ActiveConn >= $o_warn_a_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Active Connections are high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_warn_rps_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_rps_level) && ($ReqPerSec >= $o_warn_rps_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Requests per second ratio is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } if (defined($o_warn_cps_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_cps_level) && ($ConnPerSec >= $o_warn_cps_level)) { nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Connection per second ratio is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData); } nagios_exit($nginx,"OK",$InfoData,$PerfData); } else { nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", $response->status_line); }