hostname = "2a01:4f9:6b:2d99::c0ff:ee" #dummy = true bundles = ["sshmon", "smartd"] # How to install: # - Get server at Hetzner (no IPv4) # - Install latest proxmox compatible debian # - RAID5 # - 50G for system # - leave rest unpartitioned # - install zfs # - create additional partitions for remaining disk space # - create raidz on those partitions # - enable ipv6 forwarding # - install proxmox via apt # VM config: # - IPv6 only # - IP from the /64 hetzner gives us # - Gateway is the host itself, to work around the MAC filter hetzner uses [metadata.smartd] disks = [ "/dev/sda", "/dev/sdb", "/dev/sdc", "/dev/sdd", ]