<% from json import dumps %> # This github OAuth client will be used for authentication. Create # one at https://github.com/organizations/ACCOUNT/settings/applications GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = '${GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}' GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = '${GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET}' SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = '${SESSION_COOKIE_NAME}' PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = '${PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME}' # info-beamer API keys. # This key needs access to setups and assets as well as the # node-message calls. If you consider the host running this # code trusted, you might use a key with full account access. # The keys given out to users are adhoc keys based on this key. HOSTED_API_KEY = '${HOSTED_API_KEY}' # Maximum uploads per github user MAX_UPLOADS = ${MAX_UPLOADS} # Setup IDs using the scheduled player setup. One of the # playlists must be named 'User Content'. Its pages will be # autogenerated by the CMS when calling /sync SETUP_IDS = ${SETUP_IDS} # Generate some random string. It's used for signing # urls send to moderators. URL_KEY = b'${URL_KEY}' # Push notifications for moderation requests to an mqtt server. MQTT_SERVER = 'mqtt.c3voc.de' MQTT_USERNAME = '${MQTT_USERNAME}' MQTT_PASSWORD = '${MQTT_PASSWORD}' MQTT_TOPIC = '/voc/alert' MQTT_MESSAGE = '{{"level":"info","component":"infobeamer-cms","msg":"{asset} uploaded by {user}. Check it at {url}"}}' # Unix timestamp allows for specifying start/end time # of uploaded content TIME_MIN = ${TIME_MIN} TIME_MAX = ${TIME_MAX} # change this to invalidate cached static files. VERSION = ${VERSION} # extra assets. If this is empty, only the uploaded content and a notice # on where to find the CMS will be shown. You can use this to overlay # content on top of that content. EXTRA_ASSETS = [ { "type": "image", "asset": 828107, # fairydust # bottom left, 10px from border "x1":10, "y1":1070-66, "x2":10+100, "y2":1070, } ] # rooms. This is both used for the /last view as well # as the interruption control on /interrupt. ROOMS = ${dumps(node.metadata.get('infobeamer-cms/config/ROOMS', {}))}