#!/usr/bin/env python3 from imaplib import IMAP4_SSL from subprocess import check_output from sys import argv, exit from time import time if len(argv) < 5: print('Usage: {} <imap host> <username> <password> <message sender>'.format(argv[0])) exit(3) NOW = time() try: imap = IMAP4_SSL(argv[1]) imap.login(argv[2], argv[3]) imap.select('Inbox') _, data = imap.search(None, 'ALL') something_found = False for item in data: for index in item.split(): received_in_this_mail = None from_in_this_mail = False try: message = imap.fetch(index, '(RFC822)') message_text = bytearray() for part in message[1][0]: message_text.extend(part) message_text = message_text.decode().splitlines() for line in message_text: lline = line.strip().lower() if lline.startswith('from:') and argv[4].lower() in line: from_in_this_mail = True if lline.startswith('date:'): date = line.strip()[5:].strip() unixtime = int(check_output([ 'date', '--date={}'.format(date), '+%s', ]).decode().strip()) if unixtime > (NOW-(60*60*25)): received_in_this_mail = date if received_in_this_mail and from_in_this_mail: print('Found message from "{}" sent at "{}"'.format(argv[4], received_in_this_mail)) received_in_this_mail = None from_in_this_mail = False something_found = True except: pass if something_found: # there should be output above exit(0) print('No Mails found') exit(2) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) exit(3)