{ "name": "Icinga2 Statusmonitor", "permissions": { "network": "Needs to connect to icinga2 api" }, "optional": [ "README.md", "COPYRIGHT", "screenshot.jpg" ], "options": [{ "title": "Fonts and Sizes", "type": "section" }, { "title": "Headings Font Family", "ui_width": 8, "name": "header_font", "type": "font", "default": "silkscreen.ttf" }, { "title": "Headings Font Size", "ui_width": 4, "name": "header_size", "type": "integer", "default": 50 }, { "title": "Output Font Family", "ui_width": 8, "name": "output_font", "type": "font", "default": "silkscreen.ttf" }, { "title": "Output Font Size", "ui_width": 4, "name": "output_size", "type": "integer", "default": 30 }, { "title": "Display Options", "type": "section" }, { "title": "Screen Rotation", "ui_width": 4, "name": "rotate", "type": "select", "default": 0, "hint": "Rotation of screen (clockwise)", "options": [ [0, "0°"], [90, "90°"], [180, "180°"], [270, "270°"] ] }, { "title": "instance name", "ui_width": 8, "name": "instance_name", "type": "string", "default": "icinga2", "hint": "Something to describe the displayed output, will be shown next to the update datum" }, { "title": "Background color", "ui_width": 4, "name": "background_color", "type": "color", "default": [0,0,0,1] }, { "title": "Show ACK", "ui_width": 3, "name": "show_ack", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "hint": "Show acknowledged problems (adds a note, too)" }, { "title": "Show SOFT", "ui_width": 3, "name": "show_soft", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "hint": "Show SOFT checks on bottom of the list" }, { "title": "Connection to icinga2", "type": "section" }, { "title": "icinga2 API user", "ui_width": 5, "name": "api_user", "type": "string", "default": "readonly" }, { "title": "icinga2 API password", "ui_width": 5, "name": "api_password", "type": "string", "default": "really_secure" }, { "title": "Verify Certs", "ui_width": 2, "name": "ssl_verify", "type": "boolean", "default": true, "hint": "Verify SSL certificates when doing requests to icinga2?" }, { "title": "icinga2 API URL for hosts", "ui_width": 12, "name": "url_hosts", "type": "string", "default": "https://icinga2/api/v1/objects/hosts", "hint": "Full URL to the API endpoint which returns a list of monitored hosts" }, { "title": "icinga2 API URL for services", "ui_width": 12, "name": "url_services", "type": "string", "default": "https://icinga2/api/v1/objects/services?filter=service.state!=ServiceOK", "hint": "Full URL to the API endpoint which returns a list of monitored services. Keeping the filter is strongly recommended!" }] }