from django.forms import BooleanField, CharField, ChoiceField, Textarea from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from hierarkey.forms import HierarkeyForm from i18nfield.forms import I18nFormField, I18nFormMixin, I18nTextInput class BroadcastToolsSettingsForm(I18nFormMixin, HierarkeyForm): broadcast_tools_lower_thirds_no_talk_info = I18nFormField( help_text=_( "Will be shown as talk title if there's currently no talk running." ), label=_('"No talk running" information'), widget=I18nTextInput, required=True, ) broadcast_tools_lower_thirds_info_string = I18nFormField( help_text=_( "Will only be shown if there's a talk running. You may use " "the place holders mentioned below." ), label=_("Info line"), required=False, widget=I18nTextInput, ) broadcast_tools_room_info_lower_content = ChoiceField( choices=( ("", "No lower content"), ("public_qr", "QR code linking to the 'talk detail' page"), ( "feedback_qr", "QR code linking to the feedback page of the currently running talk", ), ("talk_image", "session image uploaded by the speaker(s)"), ), help_text=_( "If a talk is running, the room info page will always show " "the talk title and the list of speakers. The content below " "is configurable here." ), label=_("lower content"), required=False, ) broadcast_tools_room_info_show_next_talk = BooleanField( help_text=_( "If no talk is running in the room, show the time and title " "of the next talk in the room." ), label=_("Show next talk"), required=False, ) broadcast_tools_pdf_show_internal_notes = BooleanField( help_text=_( "If checked, the value of the 'internal notes' field in a " "submission will get added to the pdf export." ), label=_("Show internal notes in pdf export"), required=False, ) broadcast_tools_pdf_ignore_do_not_record = BooleanField( help_text=_( "If checked, 'do not record' talks will not generate a page " "in the pdf export." ), label=_("Ignore 'do not record' talks when generating pdf"), required=False, ) broadcast_tools_pdf_questions_to_include = CharField( help_text=_( "Comma-Separated list of question ids to include in pdf export. " "If empty, no questions will get added." ), label=_("Questions to include"), required=False, ) broadcast_tools_pdf_additional_content = CharField( help_text=_( "Additional content to print onto the PDF export. " "Will get printed as-is. You may use the place holders " "mentioned below." ), label=_("Additional text"), required=False, widget=Textarea, )