{% extends "orga/base.html" %} {% load bootstrap4 %} {% load i18n %} {% block content %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% translate "Set up lower thirds" %} {% bootstrap_field form.lower_thirds_no_talk_info layout='event' %} {% bootstrap_field form.lower_thirds_info_string layout='event' %}

The info line will be shown on the bottom right side of your lower third. If you set it to an empty string, it will automatically hide itself.

pretalx will automatically replace some placeholders in your info string. Use {CODE} to embed the talk code (MUX9U3 for example). You could use this to directly link to the talk feedback page. Use {EVENT_SLUG} to get the event slug. Use {TALK_SLUG} to get the talk slug.

{% if request.event.rooms %}

{% trans "room list" %}

{% endif %}
{% translate "PDF export" %} {% bootstrap_field form.broadcast_tools_pdf_show_internal_notes layout='event' %} {% bootstrap_field form.broadcast_tools_pdf_ignore_do_not_record layout='event' %}
{% endblock %}