local json = require "json" local TOPBAR_FONT_SIZE = 70 local TALK_FONT_SIZE = 50 local PADDING = 20 local font_clock local font_day local font_room local font_talk local font_text local font_track local day = 0 local time = 0 local clock = "??" local schedule = {} local tracks = {} local all_next_talks = {} local show_language = true local show_track = true local hide_talks_older_than_minutes = 25 gl.setup(NATIVE_WIDTH, NATIVE_HEIGHT) local function log(what) return print("[pretalx] " .. what) end util.json_watch("schedule.json", function(new_schedule) log("new schedule") schedule = new_schedule.talks tracks = new_schedule.tracks end) util.file_watch("config.json", function(content) local config = json.decode(content) log("running on device ".. tostring(sys.get_env "SERIAL")) show_language = config.show_language show_track = config.show_track hide_talks_older_than_minutes = config.hide_talks_older_than_minutes font_clock = resource.load_font(config.font_clock.asset_name) font_day = resource.load_font(config.font_day.asset_name) font_room = resource.load_font(config.font_room.asset_name) font_talk = resource.load_font(config.font_talk.asset_name) font_text = resource.load_font(config.font_text.asset_name) font_track = resource.load_font(config.font_track.asset_name) end) util.data_mapper{ ["(.*)"] = function(path, data) log("received data '" .. data .. "' on " .. path) if path == "day" then day = tonumber(data) elseif path == "clock" then clock = data elseif path == "time" then time = tonumber(data) end end, } local function parse_rgb(hex) hex = hex:gsub("#","") return tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2))/255, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4))/255, tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6))/255 end local function check_next_talks() if time == 0 then log("No time info yet, cannot check for next talks") return end all_next_talks = {} local min_start = time - hide_talks_older_than_minutes * 60 for idx = 1, #schedule do local talk = schedule[idx] -- Ignore all talks that have already ended here. We don't want -- to announce these. if talk.end_ts > time and talk.start_ts > min_start then all_next_talks[#all_next_talks+1] = talk end end local function sort_talks(a, b) return a.start_ts < b.start_ts or (a.start_ts == b.start_ts and a.room < b.room) end table.sort(all_next_talks, sort_talks) end local function wrap(str, font, size, max_w) local lines = {} local space_w = font:width(" ", size) local remaining = max_w local line = {} for non_space in str:gmatch("%S+") do local w = font:width(non_space, size) if remaining - w < 0 then lines[#lines+1] = table.concat(line, "") line = {} remaining = max_w end line[#line+1] = non_space line[#line+1] = " " remaining = remaining - w - space_w end if #line > 0 then lines[#lines+1] = table.concat(line, "") end return lines end function node.render() gl.clear(0, 0, 0, 1) y = PADDING font_day:write(PADDING, y, string.format("Day %d", day), TOPBAR_FONT_SIZE, 1, 1, 1, 1) local clock_width = font_clock:width(clock, TOPBAR_FONT_SIZE) font_clock:write(NATIVE_WIDTH-PADDING-clock_width, y, clock, TOPBAR_FONT_SIZE, 1, 1, 1, 1) y = y + TOPBAR_FONT_SIZE + PADDING*2 check_next_talks() local time_size = TALK_FONT_SIZE local info_size = math.floor(TALK_FONT_SIZE * 0.8) local col1 = PADDING local col2 = PADDING*2 + 15 + font_text:width("XXX min ago", time_size) local track_x = 0 local track_y = NATIVE_HEIGHT - PADDING*0.3 local space_used_for_tracks = 0 for idx = 1, #tracks do track = tracks[idx] if track.color ~= json.null then r,g,b = parse_rgb(track.color) local track_width = font_track:width(track.name, info_size) local brightness = math.max(r, g, b) if track_x - track_width < PADDING then track_x = NATIVE_WIDTH - PADDING track_y = track_y - info_size - PADDING space_used_for_tracks = space_used_for_tracks + 1 end resource.create_colored_texture(r,g,b,1):draw( track_x - track_width - PADDING*0.3, track_y - PADDING*0.3, track_x + PADDING*0.3, track_y + info_size + PADDING*0.3 ) if brightness > 0.6 then font_track:write( track_x - track_width, track_y, track.name, info_size, 0, 0, 0, 1 ) else font_track:write( track_x - track_width, track_y, track.name, info_size, 1, 1, 1, 1 ) end track_x = track_x - track_width - PADDING end end if #schedule == 0 then font_text:write(col2, y, "Fetching talks...", TALK_FONT_SIZE, 1, 1, 1, 1) elseif #all_next_talks == 0 and #schedule > 0 and sys.now() > 30 then font_text:write(col2, y, "Nope. That's it.", TALK_FONT_SIZE, 1, 1, 1, 1) end for idx = 1, #all_next_talks do local talk = all_next_talks[idx] local title = talk.title if show_language and talk.locale ~= json.null then title = title .. " (" .. talk.locale .. ")" end local title_lines = wrap( title, font_talk, TALK_FONT_SIZE, NATIVE_WIDTH - col2 - PADDING ) local info_line = talk.room if #talk.persons > 0 then local joiner = ({ de = "mit", })[talk.locale or ""] or "with" info_line = info_line .. " " .. joiner .. " " .. table.concat(talk.persons, ", ") end local info_lines = wrap( info_line, font_text, info_size, NATIVE_WIDTH - col2 - PADDING ) if y + #title_lines * TALK_FONT_SIZE + 3 + #info_lines * info_size > NATIVE_HEIGHT - space_used_for_tracks*(info_size+PADDING) - PADDING then break end -- time local talk_time local delta = talk.start_ts - time if delta > -60 and delta < 60 then talk_time = "Now" elseif delta > 30*60 then talk_time = talk.start_str elseif delta > 0 then talk_time = string.format("in %d min", math.floor(delta/60)+1) else talk_time = string.format("%d min ago", math.ceil(-delta/60)) end local time_width = font_text:width(talk_time, time_size) font_text:write(col2 - 15 - PADDING - time_width, y, talk_time, time_size, 1, 1, 1, 1) -- track if talk.track ~= json.null and talk.track.color ~= json.null then local r,g,b = parse_rgb(talk.track.color) resource.create_colored_texture(r,g,b,1):draw(col2 - 5 - PADDING, y, col2 - 10, y + #title_lines*TALK_FONT_SIZE + 3 + #info_lines*info_size) end -- title for idx = 1, #title_lines do font_talk:write(col2, y, title_lines[idx], TALK_FONT_SIZE, 1, 1, 1, 1) y = y + TALK_FONT_SIZE end y = y + 3 -- info for idx = 1, #info_lines do font_text:write(col2, y, info_lines[idx], info_size, 1, 1, 1, .8) y = y + info_size end y = y + PADDING end end