local api, CHILDS, CONTENTS = ... local json = require "json" local helper = require "helper" local anims = require(api.localized "anims") local font_day local font_room local font_talk local font_text local white = resource.create_colored_texture(1,1,1) local fallback_track_background = resource.create_colored_texture(.5,.5,.5,1) local schedule = {} local rooms = {} local all_next_talks = {} local room_next_talks = {} local current_room local day = 0 local time = 0 local show_language = true local show_track = true local M = {} local function rgba(base, a) return base[1], base[2], base[3], a end local function log(what) return print("[pretalx] " .. what) end function M.data_trigger(path, data) log("received data '" .. data .. "' on " .. path) if path == "day" then day = tonumber(data) elseif path == "time" then time = tonumber(data) end end function M.updated_config_json(config) log("running on device ".. tostring(sys.get_env "SERIAL")) show_language = config.show_language show_track = config.show_track font_day = resource.load_font(api.localized(config.font_day.asset_name)) font_room = resource.load_font(api.localized(config.font_room.asset_name)) font_talk = resource.load_font(api.localized(config.font_talk.asset_name)) font_text = resource.load_font(api.localized(config.font_text.asset_name)) current_room = nil for idx, room in ipairs(config.rooms) do log(tostring(room.serial) .. " room '" .. room.name .. "'") if room.serial == sys.get_env "SERIAL" then log("found my room: ", room.name) current_room = room.name end end end function M.updated_schedule_json(new_schedule) log("new schedule") schedule = new_schedule.talks end local function wrap(str, font, size, max_w) local lines = {} local space_w = font:width(" ", size) local remaining = max_w local line = {} for non_space in str:gmatch("%S+") do local w = font:width(non_space, size) if remaining - w < 0 then lines[#lines+1] = table.concat(line, "") line = {} remaining = max_w end line[#line+1] = non_space line[#line+1] = " " remaining = remaining - w - space_w end if #line > 0 then lines[#lines+1] = table.concat(line, "") end return lines end local function check_next_talks() log("time is now " .. time) if time == 0 then log("No time info yet, cannot check for next talks") return end room_next_talks = {} all_next_talks = {} local min_start = time - 25 * 60 if current_room then log("my room is '" .. current_room .. "'") end for idx = 1, #schedule do local talk = schedule[idx] -- Ignore all talks that have already ended here. We don't want -- to announce these. if talk.end_ts > time then -- is this in *this* room, or somewhere else? if current_room and talk.room == current_room then room_next_talks[#room_next_talks+1] = talk end all_next_talks[#all_next_talks+1] = talk end end local function sort_talks(a, b) return a.start_ts < b.start_ts or (a.start_ts == b.start_ts and a.room < b.room) end table.sort(room_next_talks, sort_talks) table.sort(all_next_talks, sort_talks) log(tostring(#all_next_talks) .. " talks to come") log(tostring(#room_next_talks) .. " in this room") end local function view_next_talk(starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) local font_size = config.font_size or 70 local show_abstract = config.next_abstract local track_text = config.next_track_text local default_color = {helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff")} local a = anims.Area(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) local S = starts local E = ends local function text(...) return a.add(anims.moving_font(S, E, ...)) end local x, y = 0, 0 local time_size = font_size local title_size = font_size local abstract_size = math.floor(font_size * 0.8) local speaker_size = math.floor(font_size * 0.8) local track_size = math.floor(font_size * 0.6) local current_talk = room_next_talks[1] local col1 = 0 local col2 = 35 + font_text:width("in XXX min", time_size) if #schedule == 0 then text(font_text, col2, y, "Fetching talks...", time_size, rgba(default_color,1)) elseif not current_talk then text(font_text, col2, y, "Nope. That's it.", time_size, rgba(default_color,1)) else -- Time text(font_text, col1, y, current_talk.start_str, time_size, rgba(default_color,1)) -- Delta local delta = current_talk.start_ts - time local talk_time if delta > 180*60 then talk_time = string.format("in %d h", math.floor(delta/3600)) elseif delta > 0 then talk_time = string.format("in %d min", math.floor(delta/60)+1) else talk_time = "Now" end local y_time = y+time_size text(font_text, col1, y_time, talk_time, time_size, rgba(default_color,1)) -- Title local y_start = y local title = current_talk.title if show_language and current_talk.locale then title = title .. " (" .. current_talk.locale .. ")" end local lines = wrap(title, font_talk, title_size, a.width - col2) for idx = 1, math.min(5, #lines) do text(font_talk, col2, y, lines[idx], title_size, rgba(default_color,1)) y = y + title_size end y = y + 20 -- Show abstract only if it fits into the drawing area completely local lines = wrap(current_talk.abstract, font_text, abstract_size, a.width - col2) if show_abstract and a.height > (y + #lines*abstract_size + 20) then for idx = 1, #lines do text(font_text, col2, y, lines[idx], abstract_size, rgba(default_color,1)) y = y + abstract_size end y = y + 20 end -- Show speakers only if all of them do fit into the drawing area if a.height > (y + #current_talk.persons*speaker_size + 20) then for idx = 1, #current_talk.persons do text(font_text, col2, y, current_talk.persons[idx], speaker_size, rgba(default_color,.8)) y = y + speaker_size end end if show_track and current_talk.track then local r,g,b,a = rgba(default_color, 1) if current_talk.track.color then r,g,b = helper.parse_rgb(current_talk.track.color) end if track_text then if a.height > y + 20 + track_size then text(font_text, col2, y+20, current_talk.track.name, track_size, r,g,b,1) end elseif current_talk.track.color then a.add(anims.moving_image_raw( S, E, resource.create_colored_texture(r,g,b,1), col2 - 25, 0, col2 - 10, y )) end end end for now in api.frame_between(starts, ends) do a.draw(now, x1, y1, x2, y2) end end local function view_all_talks(starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) local title_size = config.font_size or 70 local default_color = {helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff")} local show_speakers = config.all_speakers or true local a = anims.Area(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) local S = starts local E = ends local time_size = title_size local info_size = math.floor(title_size * 0.8) -- always leave room for 15px of track bar local col1 = 0 local col2 = 35 + font_text:width("XXX min ago", time_size) local x, y = 0, 0 local function text(...) return a.add(anims.moving_font(S, E, ...)) end if #schedule == 0 then text(font_text, col2, y, "Fetching talks...", title_size, rgba(default_color,1)) elseif #all_next_talks == 0 and #schedule > 0 and sys.now() > 30 then text(font_text, col2, y, "Nope. That's it.", title_size, rgba(default_color,1)) end for idx = 1, #all_next_talks do local talk = all_next_talks[idx] local title = talk.title if show_language and talk.locale then title = title .. " (" .. talk.locale .. ")" end log(title .. " AA") local title_lines = wrap( title, font_talk, title_size, a.width - col2 ) local info_line = talk.room if show_speakers and #talk.persons > 0 then local joiner = ({ de = "mit", })[talk.locale] or "with" info_line = info_line .. " " .. joiner .. " " .. table.concat(talk.persons, ", ") end local info_lines = wrap( info_line, font_text, info_size, a.width - col2 ) if y + #title_lines * title_size + 3 + #info_lines * info_size > a.height then break end log(title .. " BB") -- time local talk_time local delta = talk.start_ts - time if delta > -60 and delta < 60 then talk_time = "Now" elseif delta > 30*60 then talk_time = talk.start_str elseif delta > 0 then talk_time = string.format("in %d min", math.floor(delta/60)+1) else talk_time = string.format("%d min ago", math.ceil(-delta/60)) end local time_width = font_running:width(talk_time, time_size) text(font_text, col2 - 35 - time_width, y, talk_time, time_size, rgba(default_color, 1)) if show_track and talk.track then if talk.track.color then local r,g,b = helper.parse_rgb(talk.track.color) a.add(anims.moving_image_raw( S, E, resource.create_colored_texture(r,g,b,1), col2 - 25, y, col2 - 10, y + #title_lines*title_size + 3 + #info_lines*info_size )) end end -- title for idx = 1, #title_lines do text(font_talk, col2, y, title_lines[idx], title_size, rgba(default_color,1)) y = y + title_size end y = y + 3 -- info for idx = 1, #info_lines do text(font_text, col2, y, info_lines[idx], info_size, rgba(default_color,.8)) y = y + info_size end y = y + 20 end for now in api.frame_between(starts, ends) do a.draw(now, x1, y1, x2, y2) end end local function view_room(starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) local font_size = config.font_size or 70 local align = config.room_align or "left" local animate = config.room_animate or true local default_color = {helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff")} local r,g,b = helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff") local a = anims.Area(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) local S = starts local E = ends local function text(...) return a.add(anims.moving_font(S, E, ...)) end local x = 0 local w = font_room:width(current_room, font_size) if align == "right" then x = a.width - w elseif align == "center" then x = (a.width - w) / 2 end text(font_room, x, 0, current_room, font_size, rgba(default_color,1)) for now in api.frame_between(starts, ends) do if animate then a.draw(now, x1, y1, x2, y2) else font_room:write(x1+x, y1, current_room, font_size, r,g,b,1) end end end local function view_day(starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) local font_size = config.font_size or 70 local align = config.day_align or "left" local template = config.day_template or "Day %d" local animate = config.day_animate local default_color = {helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff")} local r,g,b = helper.parse_rgb(config.color or "#ffffff") local a = anims.Area(x2 - x1, y2 - y1) local S = starts local E = ends local function text(...) return a.add(anims.moving_font(S, E, ...)) end local x = 0 local line = string.format(template, day) local w = font_day:width(line, font_size) if align == "right" then x = a.width - w elseif align == "center" then x = (a.width - w) / 2 end text(font_day, x, 0, line, font_size, rgba(default_color,1)) for now in api.frame_between(starts, ends) do if animate then a.draw(now, x1, y1, x2, y2) else font_day:write(x1+x, y1, line, font_size, r,g,b,1) end end end function M.task(starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) check_next_talks() return ({ next_talk = view_next_talk, all_talks = view_all_talks, room = view_room, day = view_day, })[config.mode or 'all_talks'](starts, ends, config, x1, y1, x2, y2) end function M.can_show(config) local mode = config.mode or 'all_talks' -- these can always play if mode == "day" or mode == "all_talks" then return true end return not not current_room end return M