# C3VOC viri MQTT to sACN DMX # All options are optional, except for mqtt host. The options below # reflect the default values if missing. # This section contains the login information to your mqtt server. # user and password are ignored if both are missing or empty. [mqtt] host = "" user = "" password = "" topic = "/voc/alert" [sacn] # Wether to enable sACN multicast. Default is off. multicast = false # If sACN multicast is disabled, this specifies the address sACN unicast # is sent to. target = "" # which universe to address universe = 1 [alerts] # This specifies the maximum DMX dimmer value that's sent to your lights # when alerts occur. This must be atleast the same or more as the # rainbow brightness (see below). brightness = 255 [rainbow] # Wether to enable the rainbow 'no alerts' loop. If false, all other # options in here will be ignored. enable = true # This directly controls the 'value' part of the HSV equation in the # rainbow 'no alerts' break loop. Value must be between 10% and 100%. intensity = 100 # DMX dimmer value when displaying the rainbow pattern. Must be equal # or below the generic 'brightness' value above. brightness = 150 # Speed of the rainbow pattern. This is specified as "miliseconds # between rotating the hue wheel by 1 degree". Minimum value is 25, # because sACN does not support more than 40 fps. Setting it any lower # will disable the animation altogehter, resulting in static lights. speed = 25 # This contains the DMX start addresses of your light fixtures. You # have to add atleast one fixture for the software to work. [lights] ignition_wal_l710 = [] varytec_hero_wash_712_zoom = [] wled_multi_rgb = []