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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# editorconfig-checker-disable-file
# check_nginx_status.pl
# Author : regis.leroy at makina-corpus.com
# Licence : GPL - http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt
# help : ./check_nginx_status.pl -h
# issues & updates: http://github.com/regilero/check_nginx_status
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use FindBin;
# ensure all outputs are in UTF-8
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
# Nagios specific
use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins";
use utils qw($TIMEOUT);
# Globals
my $Version='0.20';
my $Name=$0;
my $o_host = undef; # hostname
my $o_help= undef; # want some help ?
my $o_port= undef; # port
my $o_url = undef; # url to use, if not the default
my $o_user= undef; # user for auth
my $o_pass= ''; # password for auth
my $o_realm= ''; # password for auth
my $o_version= undef; # print version
my $o_warn_a_level= -1; # Number of active connections that will cause a warning
my $o_crit_a_level= -1; # Number of active connections that will cause an error
my $o_warn_rps_level= -1; # Number of Request per second that will cause a warning
my $o_crit_rps_level= -1; # Number of request Per second that will cause an error
my $o_warn_cps_level= -1; # Number of Connections per second that will cause a warning
my $o_crit_cps_level= -1; # Number of Connections per second that will cause an error
my $o_timeout= 15; # Default 15s Timeout
my $o_warn_thresold= undef; # warning thresolds entry
my $o_crit_thresold= undef; # critical thresolds entry
my $o_debug= undef; # debug mode
my $o_servername= undef; # ServerName (host header in http request)
my $o_https= undef; # SSL (HTTPS) mode
my $o_disable_sslverifyhostname = 0;
my $TempPath = '/tmp/'; # temp path
my $MaxTimeDif = 60*30; # Maximum uptime difference (seconds), default 30 minutes
my $nginx = 'NGINX'; # Could be used to store version also
# functions
sub show_versioninfo { print "$Name version : $Version\n"; }
sub print_usage {
print "Usage: $Name -H <host ip> [-p <port>] [-s servername] [-t <timeout>] [-w <WARN_THRESOLD> -c <CRIT_THRESOLD>] [-V] [-d] [-u <url>] [-U user -P pass -r realm]\n";
sub nagios_exit {
my ( $nickname, $status, $message, $perfdata , $silent) = @_;
'OK' => 0
, 'WARNING' => 1
, 'CRITICAL' => 2
, 'UNKNOWN' => 3
, 'PENDING' => 4
if(!defined($silent)) {
my $output = undef;
$output .= sprintf('%1$s %2$s - %3$s', $nickname, $status, $message);
if ($perfdata) {
$output .= sprintf('|%1$s', $perfdata);
$output .= chr(10);
print $output;
exit $STATUSCODE{$status};
# Get the alarm signal
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL","ERROR: Alarm signal (Nagios timeout)");
sub help {
print "Nginx Monitor for Nagios version ",$Version,"\n";
print "GPL licence, (c)2012 Leroy Regis\n\n";
print <<EOT;
-h, --help
print this help message
-H, --hostname=HOST
name or IP address of host to check
-p, --port=PORT
Http port
-u, --url=URL
Specific URL to use, instead of the default "http://<hostname or IP>/nginx_status"
-s, --servername=SERVERNAME
ServerName, (host header of HTTP request) use it if you specified an IP in -H to match the good Virtualhost in your target
-S, --ssl
Wether we should use HTTPS instead of HTTP
Disable SSL hostname verification
-U, --user=user
Username for basic auth
-P, --pass=PASS
Password for basic auth
-r, --realm=REALM
Realm for basic auth
-d, --debug
Debug mode (show http request response)
-m, --maxreach=MAX
Number of max processes reached (since last check) that should trigger an alert
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
timeout in seconds (Default: $o_timeout)
number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a WARNING
-1 for no warning
number of active connections, ReqPerSec or ConnPerSec that will cause a CRITICAL
-1 for no CRITICAL
-V, --version
prints version number
Note :
3 items can be managed on this check, this is why -w and -c parameters are using 3 values thresolds
- ACTIVE_CONN: Number of all opened connections, including connections to backends
- REQ_PER_SEC: Average number of request per second between this check and the previous one
- CONN_PER_SEC: Average number of connections per second between this check and the previous one
This one will generate WARNING and CRITICIAL alerts if you reach 10 000 or 20 000 active connection; or
100 or 200 request per second; or 200 or 300 connections per second
check_nginx_status.pl -H -u /foo/nginx_status -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10000,100,200 -c 20000,200,300
this will generate WARNING and CRITICAL alerts only on the number of active connections (with low numbers for nginx)
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 10,-1,-1 -c 20,-1,-1
theses two equivalents will not generate any alert (if the nginx_status page is reachable) but could be used for graphics
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -w -1,-1,-1 -c -1,-1,-1
check_nginx_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com
sub check_options {
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
'h' => \$o_help, 'help' => \$o_help,
'd' => \$o_debug, 'debug' => \$o_debug,
'H:s' => \$o_host, 'hostname:s' => \$o_host,
's:s' => \$o_servername, 'servername:s' => \$o_servername,
'S:s' => \$o_https, 'ssl:s' => \$o_https,
'u:s' => \$o_url, 'url:s' => \$o_url,
'U:s' => \$o_user, 'user:s' => \$o_user,
'P:s' => \$o_pass, 'pass:s' => \$o_pass,
'r:s' => \$o_realm, 'realm:s' => \$o_realm,
'p:i' => \$o_port, 'port:i' => \$o_port,
'V' => \$o_version, 'version' => \$o_version,
'w:s' => \$o_warn_thresold,'warn:s' => \$o_warn_thresold,
'c:s' => \$o_crit_thresold,'critical:s' => \$o_crit_thresold,
't:i' => \$o_timeout, 'timeout:i' => \$o_timeout,
'disable-sslverifyhostname' => \$o_disable_sslverifyhostname,
if (defined ($o_help)) {
if (defined($o_version)) {
if (defined($o_warn_thresold)) {
($o_warn_a_level,$o_warn_rps_level,$o_warn_cps_level) = split(',', $o_warn_thresold);
if (defined($o_crit_thresold)) {
($o_crit_a_level,$o_crit_rps_level,$o_crit_cps_level) = split(',', $o_crit_thresold);
if (defined($o_debug)) {
print("\nDebug thresolds: \nWarning: ($o_warn_thresold) => Active: $o_warn_a_level ReqPerSec :$o_warn_rps_level ConnPerSec: $o_warn_cps_level");
print("\nCritical ($o_crit_thresold) => : Active: $o_crit_a_level ReqPerSec: $o_crit_rps_level ConnPerSec : $o_crit_cps_level\n");
if ((defined($o_warn_a_level) && defined($o_crit_a_level)) &&
(($o_warn_a_level != -1) && ($o_crit_a_level != -1) && ($o_warn_a_level >= $o_crit_a_level)) ) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for Active Process (1st part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!");
if ((defined($o_warn_rps_level) && defined($o_crit_rps_level)) &&
(($o_warn_rps_level != -1) && ($o_crit_rps_level != -1) && ($o_warn_rps_level >= $o_crit_rps_level)) ) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for ReqPerSec (2nd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!");
if ((defined($o_warn_cps_level) && defined($o_crit_cps_level)) &&
(($o_warn_cps_level != -1) && ($o_crit_cps_level != -1) && ($o_warn_cps_level >= $o_crit_cps_level)) ) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","Check warning and critical values for ConnPerSec (3rd part of thresold), warning level must be < crit level!");
# Check compulsory attributes
if (!defined($o_host)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","-H host argument required");
########## MAIN ##########
my $override_ip = $o_host;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https'],
timeout => $o_timeout
if ( $o_disable_sslverifyhostname ) {
$ua->ssl_opts( 'verify_hostname' => 0 );
# we need to enforce the HTTP request is made on the Nagios Host IP and
# not on the DNS related IP for that domain
@LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS = ( PeerAddr => $override_ip );
# this prevent used only once warning in -w mode
my $ua_settings = @LWP::Protocol::http::EXTRA_SOCK_OPTS;
my $timing0 = [gettimeofday];
my $response = undef;
my $url = undef;
if (!defined($o_url)) {
} else {
# ensure we have a '/' as first char
$o_url = '/'.$o_url unless $o_url =~ m(^/)
my $proto='http://';
if(defined($o_https)) {
if (defined($o_port) && $o_port!=443) {
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print "\nDEBUG: Notice: port is defined at $o_port and not 443, check you really want that in SSL mode! \n";
if (defined($o_servername)) {
if (!defined($o_port)) {
$url = $proto . $o_servername . $o_url;
} else {
$url = $proto . $o_servername . ':' . $o_port . $o_url;
} else {
if (!defined($o_port)) {
$url = $proto . $o_host . $o_url;
} else {
$url = $proto . $o_host . ':' . $o_port . $o_url;
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print "\nDEBUG: HTTP url: \n";
print $url;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url );
if (defined($o_servername)) {
$req->header('Host' => $o_servername);
if (defined($o_user)) {
$req->authorization_basic($o_user, $o_pass);
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print "\nDEBUG: HTTP request: \n";
print "IP used (better if it's an IP):" . $override_ip . "\n";
print $req->as_string;
$response = $ua->request($req);
my $timeelapsed = tv_interval ($timing0, [gettimeofday]);
my $InfoData = '';
my $PerfData = '';
#my @Time = (localtime); # list context and not scalar as we want the brutal timestamp
my $Time = time;
my $webcontent = undef;
if ($response->is_success) {
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print "\nDEBUG: HTTP response:";
print $response->status_line;
print "\n".$response->header('Content-Type');
print "\n";
print $webcontent;
if ($response->header('Content-Type') =~ m/text\/html/) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "We have a response page for our request, but it's an HTML page, quite certainly not the status report of nginx");
# example of response content expected:
#Active connections: 10
#server accepts handled requests
#38500 38500 50690
#Reading: 5 Writing: 5 Waiting: 0
# number of all open connections including connections to backends
my $ActiveConn = 0;
if($webcontent =~ m/Active connections: (.*?)\n/) {
$ActiveConn = $1;
# triming
$ActiveConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# 3 counters with a space: accepted conn, handled conn and number of requests
my $counters = '';
my $AcceptedConn = 0;
my $HandledConn = 0;
my $NbRequests = 0;
if($webcontent =~ m/\nserver accepts handled requests\n(.*?)\n/) {
$counters = $1;
# triming
$counters =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
($AcceptedConn,$HandledConn,$NbRequests) = split(' ', $counters);
# triming
$AcceptedConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$HandledConn =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$NbRequests =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# nginx reads request header
my $Reading = 0;
# nginx reads request body, processes request, or writes response to a client
my $Writing = 0;
# keep-alive connections, actually it is active - (reading + writing)
my $Waiting = 0;
if($webcontent =~ m/Reading: (.*?)Writing: (.*?)Waiting: (.*?)$/) {
$Reading = $1;
$Writing = $2;
$Waiting = $3;
# triming
$Reading =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$Writing =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$Waiting =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
# Debug
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print ("\nDEBUG Parse results => Active :" . $ActiveConn . "\nAcceptedConn :" . $AcceptedConn . "\nHandledConn :" . $HandledConn . "\nNbRequests :".$NbRequests . "\nReading :" .$Reading . "\nWriting :" . $Writing . "\nWaiting :" . $Waiting . "\n");
my $TempFile = $TempPath.$o_host.'_check_nginx_status'.md5_hex($url);
my $FH;
my $LastTime = 0;
my $LastAcceptedConn = 0;
my $LastHandledConn = 0;
my $LastNbRequests = 0;
if ((-e $TempFile) && (-r $TempFile) && (-w $TempFile)) {
open ($FH, '<',$TempFile) or nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","unable to read temporary data from :".$TempFile);
$LastTime = <$FH>;
$LastAcceptedConn = <$FH>;
$LastHandledConn = <$FH>;
$LastNbRequests = <$FH>;
close ($FH);
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print ("\nDebug: data from temporary file: $TempFile\n");
print (" LastTime: $LastTime LastAcceptedConn: $LastAcceptedConn LastHandledConn: $LastHandledConn LastNbRequests: $LastNbRequests \n");
open ($FH, '>'.$TempFile) or nagios_exit($nginx,"UNKNOWN","unable to write temporary data in :".$TempFile);
#print $FH (@Time),"\n";
print $FH "$Time\n";
print $FH "$AcceptedConn\n";
print $FH "$HandledConn\n";
print $FH "$NbRequests\n";
close ($FH);
my $ConnPerSec = 0;
my $ReqPerSec = 0;
my $RequestsNew = 0;
# by default the average
my $ReqPerConn = 0;
if ($AcceptedConn > 0) {
$ReqPerConn = $NbRequests/$AcceptedConn;
my $elapsed = $Time - $LastTime ;
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print ("\nDebug: pre-computation\n");
print ("Average ReqPerconn: $ReqPerConn, Seconds elapsed Since last check: $elapsed\n");
# check only if the counters may have been incremented
# but not if it may have been too much incremented
# if nginx was restarted ($NbRequests is now lower than previous value), just skip
if ( ($elapsed < $MaxTimeDif) && ($elapsed != 0) && ($NbRequests >= $LastNbRequests) ) {
$ConnPerSec = ($AcceptedConn-$LastAcceptedConn)/$elapsed;
$RequestsNew = $NbRequests-$LastNbRequests;
$ReqPerSec = $RequestsNew/$elapsed;
# get finer value
if ( $ConnPerSec!=0 ) {
my $ReqPerConn = $ReqPerSec/$ConnPerSec;
} else {
my $ReqPerConn = 0;
if (defined ($o_debug)) {
print ("\nDebug: data computed\n");
print ("ConnPerSec: $ConnPerSec ReqPerSec: $ReqPerSec ReqPerConn: $ReqPerConn\n");
$InfoData = sprintf (" %.3f sec. response time, Active: %d (Writing: %d Reading: %d Waiting: %d)"
. " ReqPerSec: %.3f ConnPerSec: %.3f ReqPerConn: %.3f"
# Manage warn and crit values for the perfdata
my $p_warn_a_level = "$o_warn_a_level";
my $p_crit_a_level = "$o_crit_a_level";
my $p_warn_rps_level = "$o_warn_rps_level";
my $p_crit_rps_level = "$o_crit_rps_level";
my $p_warn_cps_level = "$o_warn_cps_level";
my $p_crit_cps_level = "$o_crit_cps_level";
if ($p_warn_a_level == "-1") {
$p_warn_a_level = "";
if ($p_crit_a_level == "-1") {
$p_crit_a_level = "";
if ($p_warn_rps_level == "-1") {
$p_warn_rps_level = "";
if ($p_crit_rps_level == "-1") {
$p_crit_rps_level = "";
if ($p_warn_cps_level == "-1") {
$p_warn_cps_level = "";
if ($p_crit_cps_level == "-1") {
$p_crit_cps_level = "";
$PerfData = sprintf ("Writing=%d;;;; Reading=%d;;;; Waiting=%d;;;; Active=%d;%s;%s;; "
. "ReqPerSec=%f;%s;%s;; ConnPerSec=%f;%s;%s;; ReqPerConn=%f;;;;"
# first all critical exists by priority
if (defined($o_crit_a_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_a_level) && ($ActiveConn >= $o_crit_a_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Active Connections are critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
if (defined($o_crit_rps_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_rps_level) && ($ReqPerSec >= $o_crit_rps_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Request per second ratios is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
if (defined($o_crit_cps_level) && (-1!=$o_crit_cps_level) && ($ConnPerSec >= $o_crit_cps_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", "Connection per second ratio is critically high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
# Then WARNING exits by priority
if (defined($o_warn_a_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_a_level) && ($ActiveConn >= $o_warn_a_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Active Connections are high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
if (defined($o_warn_rps_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_rps_level) && ($ReqPerSec >= $o_warn_rps_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Requests per second ratio is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
if (defined($o_warn_cps_level) && (-1!=$o_warn_cps_level) && ($ConnPerSec >= $o_warn_cps_level)) {
nagios_exit($nginx,"WARNING", "Connection per second ratio is high " . $InfoData,$PerfData);
} else {
nagios_exit($nginx,"CRITICAL", $response->status_line);