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Scripts to filter out unique minimal triangulaitons
These scripts dig through directories to find triangulations, take the minimal ones, remove duplicates, and then export them, sorted by PL-type.
- Polymake
- PostgreSQL
- GNU Parallel
How to use:
Create the database tables
CREATE TABLE triangulations (signature varchar, f_vector varchar, vertices integer, path varchar);
CREATE TABLE minimal_triangulations (signature varchar, f_vector varchar, vertices integer, path varchar);
Populate the triangulations table
find ~ -name *.poly -not -path "*comb_iso_classes*" -not -path "*flat*" | parallel --progress ./triangulation_bookkeeping.pl {}
Populate the minimal triangulations (by vertices) table by finding the minimum triangulation for each signature
INSERT INTO minimal_triangulations SELECT DISTINCT ON (signature) * FROM triangulations ORDER BY signature, vertices;
Remove combinatorially isomorphic triangulations by running triangulation_bookkeeping_minimal.pl
, and output sorted by type using triangulation_bookkeeping_output.pl