
213 lines
6.7 KiB

assert node.has_bundle('redis'), f'{node.name}: pretalx needs redis'
assert node.has_bundle('nodejs'), f'{node.name}: pretalx needs nodejs for rebuild and regenerate_css step'
actions = {
'pretalx_create_virtualenv': {
'command': '/usr/bin/python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 /opt/pretalx/venv/',
'unless': 'test -d /opt/pretalx/venv/',
'needs': {
# actually /opt/pretalx, but we don't create that
'pretalx_install': {
'command': ' && '.join([
'cd /opt/pretalx/src',
'/opt/pretalx/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip wheel gunicorn psycopg2-binary',
'/opt/pretalx/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -e .[redis]',
'needs': {
'triggered': True,
'pretalx_migrate': {
'command': '/usr/bin/sudo -Hu pretalx PRETALX_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/pretalx/pretalx.cfg /opt/pretalx/venv/bin/python -m pretalx migrate',
'needs': {
'triggered': True,
'pretalx_rebuild': {
'command': ' && '.join([
'cd /opt/pretalx/src/src/pretalx/frontend/schedule-editor/',
'npm install',
'PRETALX_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/pretalx/pretalx.cfg /opt/pretalx/venv/bin/python -m pretalx rebuild',
'needs': {
'triggers': {
# pretalx-web reads the manifest.json generated by this build-step upon startup
'triggered': True,
'pretalx_regenerate-css': {
'command': 'sudo -u pretalx PRETALX_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/pretalx/pretalx.cfg /opt/pretalx/venv/bin/python -m pretalx regenerate_css',
'needs': {
'triggered': True,
users = {
'pretalx': {
'home': '/opt/pretalx',
directories = {
'/opt/pretalx/src': {},
'/opt/pretalx/data': {
'owner': 'pretalx',
'/opt/pretalx/static': {
'owner': 'pretalx',
git_deploy = {
'/opt/pretalx/src': {
'repo': 'https://github.com/pretalx/pretalx.git',
'rev': node.metadata.get('pretalx/version'),
'triggers': {
svc_systemd = {
'pretalx-runperiodic.timer': {
'needs': {
'pretalx-clearsessions.timer': {
'needs': {
'pretalx-web': {
'needs': {
'pretalx-worker': {
'needs': {
files = {
'/opt/pretalx/pretalx.cfg': {
'content_type': 'mako',
'context': node.metadata.get('pretalx'),
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-runperiodic.timer': {
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-runperiodic.service': {
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-clearsessions.timer': {
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-clearsessions.service': {
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-web.service': {
'triggers': {
'/etc/systemd/system/pretalx-worker.service': {
'triggers': {
# run `pip install` one after another due to concurrency issues
last_action = 'action:pretalx_install'
for plugin_name, plugin_config in node.metadata.get('pretalx/plugins', {}).items():
assert '-' not in plugin_name, f'{node.name} pretalx plugin {plugin_name} must not contain dashes'
directories[f'/opt/pretalx/plugin_{plugin_name}'] = {}
git_deploy[f'/opt/pretalx/plugin_{plugin_name}'] = {
'repo': plugin_config['repo'],
'rev': plugin_config.get('rev', 'master'),
'triggers': {
actions[f'pretalx_install_plugin_{plugin_name}'] = {
'command': f'cd /opt/pretalx/plugin_{plugin_name} && /opt/pretalx/venv/bin/pip install --upgrade -e .',
'needs': {
'triggers': {
'triggered': True,
last_action = f'action:pretalx_install_plugin_{plugin_name}'