Franziska Kunsmann d8f8f1377f
All checks were successful
kunsi/bundlewrap/pipeline/head This commit looks good
bundles/arch-with-gui: install sipcalc and inkscape
2022-03-30 18:28:46 +02:00

104 lines
2.3 KiB

assert node.os == 'arch'
defaults = {
'backups': {
'paths': {
'icinga_options': {
'exclude_from_monitoring': True,
'pacman': {
'packages': {
# fonts
'fontconfig': {},
'ttf-dejavu': {
'needed_by': {
# login management
'sddm': {},
# networking
'netctl': {},
'rfkill': {},
'wpa_supplicant': {},
'wpa_actiond': {},
# shell and other gui stuff
'dunst': {},
'fish': {},
'kitty': {},
'libnotify': {}, # provides notify-send
'light': {},
'redshift': {},
'rofi': {},
# sound
'pavucontrol': {},
'pulseaudio': {},
'pulseaudio-zeroconf': {},
# window management
'i3-wm': {},
'i3lock': {},
'xss-lock': {},
# i3pystatus dependencies
'iw': {},
'wireless_tools': {},
# Xorg
'xf86-input-libinput': {},
'xorg-server': {},
'xorg-setxkbmap': {},
'xorg-xev': {},
'xorg-xinput': {},
'xorg-xset': {},
# all them apps
'browserpass': {},
'browserpass-firefox': {},
'firefox': {},
'gimp': {},
'inkscape': {},
'maim': {},
'mosh': {},
'mpv': {},
'pass': {},
'pass-otp': {},
'pdftk': {},
'pwgen': {},
'qpdfview': {},
'sipcalc': {},
'the_silver_searcher': {},
'tlp': {},
'xclip': {},
'xdotool': {}, # needed for maim window selection
'systemd-networkd': {
'enable-resolved': True,
def backup_every_user_home(metadata):
paths = set()
for user, config in metadata.get('users', {}).items():
if config.get('delete', False):
paths.add(config.get('home', f'/home/{user}'))
return {
'backups': {
'paths': paths,