
118 lines
4 KiB

def dashboard_row_smartd(panel_id, node):
return {
'title': 'smartd',
'collapse': False,
'editable': False,
'height': '250px',
'panels': [
'aliasColors': {},
'bars': False,
'dashLength': 10,
'dashes': False,
'datasource': None,
'fieldConfig': {
'defaults': {
'displayName': '${__field.labels.device}'
'overrides': []
'fill': 0,
'fillGradient': 0,
'hiddenSeries': False,
'id': next(panel_id),
'legend': {
'alignAsTable': False,
'avg': False,
'current': False,
'hideEmpty': True,
'hideZero': True,
'max': False,
'min': False,
'rightSide': False,
'show': True,
'total': False,
'values': False
'lines': True,
'linewidth': 1,
'NonePointMode': 'None',
'options': {
'alertThreshold': True
'percentage': False,
'pluginVersion': '7.5.5',
'pointradius': 2,
'points': False,
'renderer': 'flot',
'seriesOverrides': [],
'spaceLength': 10,
'span': 12,
'stack': False,
'steppedLine': False,
'targets': [
'groupBy': [
{'type': 'time', 'params': ['$__interval']},
{'type': 'fill', 'params': ['linear']},
'orderByTime': "ASC",
'policy': "default",
'query': f"""from(bucket: "telegraf")
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r["_measurement"] == "smartd_stats" and
r["_field"] == "temperature" and
r["host"] == "{node.name}"
|> aggregateWindow(every: v.windowPeriod, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)
|> yield(name: "cpu")""",
'resultFormat': 'time_series',
'select': [[
{'type': 'field', 'params': ['value']},
{'type': 'mean', 'params': []},
"tags": []
'thresholds': [],
'timeRegions': [],
'title': 'temperatures',
'tooltip': {
'shared': True,
'sort': 0,
'value_type': 'individual'
'type': 'graph',
'xaxis': {
'buckets': None,
'mode': 'time',
'name': None,
'show': True,
'values': []
'yaxes': [
'format': 'celsius',
'label': None,
'logBase': 1,
'max': None,
'min': 0,
'show': True,
'format': 'short',
'label': None,
'logBase': 1,
'max': None,
'min': None,
'show': False,
'yaxis': {
'align': False,
'alignLevel': None